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Thread: Bears
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Old 09-15-2015, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: Bears

Gerry that's great....lol! Fished this spring for shad near the Gap. In particular along Old Mine Road adjacent to the river north of the Water Gap Rt 80 bridge. In a matter of two weeks, I ran across 4 mother bear and a total of 9 cubs. All bear encounters were as someone pointed out early or late, dawn or dusk, and fortunately from inside my truck while going to or leaving the river. One bear jumped out from heavy cover about 15 ft in front of my truck , ran along the road for about 5 seconds and disappeared into the woods on the other side of the road. My son was with me at the time and both of us were like WTF! Interestingly enough this happened on a weekend and the spot the bear came from was right at the Worthington State campgrounds which was loaded with people. I'm sure she was attracted by the smell of food being grilled but I was surprised on the other side of the heavy cover she erupted from there had to be a hundred campers hanging out! As I was pulling away from the spot, I looked in my rear view mirror and two tiny cubs came waking out from the same area mama bear did and walked across the street to be reunited with mama. CRAZY! That area as someone already posted is LOADED with bears many of which have cubs in early spring. Old Mine Road is a 15 mph road and I've always wondered why and now I know. Between the dense cover, deer and bears, you need to be extremely careful driving there. While it was very cool seeing the adult bears and in particular the cubs you need to be careful to not get in nature's way. That sizeable a bear population and that many people all in close corners is an accident waiting to happen if you're not cognizant of your surroundings. The Delaware River in the spring , that area, is littered with dead or dying shad and the resident bear population frequents the river every night to snack, especially the mothers and their cubs. Great site to see but something you need to respect as well.

Last edited by dakota560; 09-15-2015 at 02:35 PM..
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