Re: Cormorants
But Joey, if that is correct (6lbs. of fish) that is alot of baby fluke/blackfish. 20 years ago I don't remember seeing them around.
According to reports fluke fishing is way down, with reports like this from the partyboat capts. ----"some had 3 fish and almost everyone went home with a fish for dinner"...... this is a good day on the water.
When I 1st moved here I used to fish a 1/2 day boat and would always come home with at least 3-4 keepers and would limit a few times -8 fish.
The back of Raritan used to be loaded with fluke, now you can do a 20 min. drift without a bite or a short.
I'm not saying these birds are the cause of the decline but they definitely are hurting the stocks.