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Old 08-30-2015, 01:50 PM
Tenacious Sportfishing Tenacious Sportfishing is offline
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Default Tenacious Canyon Report 8/28-29 Bigeye, Yellowfin, Mahi

Hosted four regulars Gary, Jeff, Chris and Clint on a last minute canyon overnighter. Stopped on the inshore grounds and went 1 for 2 chunking small yellowfins. Continued to the Hudson and started trolling with the other bumper boats. About 7 pm the wayback brige line started screaming for a minute before the line broke. Replaced the lure with a heavy skirted bally and an hour later the same line started screaming again but did not stop. Before we could clear the lines to back up we were down to one layer of line on the 70vs and as I put the gears in reverse we were spooled. We did not want to continue trolling in the dark so we set up for chunking. Jeff and Gary always bring their own chunking rods and about 9:30 pm Jeff gets a bite and says its a small fish.
A minute later the fish takes off like an express train and we all bust him about the small fish when he wants to hand the rod off and rest his back. Each guy took three turns on the fish at the transom and the bow before we saw color at 11 pm and harpooned a fat bigeye which the guys thought was 200 lbs plus.. The rest of the night and the morning troll was uneventful so we decided to pot hop before heading home for some mahi. Ironically Jeff's rod was responsible for a 228 lb bigeye a few years ago so we decided to stop at Hoffmans to end the weight speculation where it pulled the scales down to 200lbs on the nose. Jeff can't wait to try his rod again.
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Capt Bernie Roth
Tenacious Sportfishing
732 920 6844 cell 732 921 1829
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