Originally Posted by Waresthefish
Great information. Thank you. I always wondered when guys commented on being in a wind against current situation how they knew. I always thought they were making observations while on the water. Observations that I could never figure out.
I was fishing for a few years before I figured it out. When I got my first boat I'd go out to spot I was told there were fish and nothing.... Problem is I was there when the conditions were not right for that particular area.
A few simple rules.
- First is conditions. Look at the tide, currents and winds see how you think it will effect your drift and choose a general area where you think you will have the best conditions.
- Once you've figured out where that area is look for structure around it. Structure will hold fish so that where you want to concentrate your drifts.
- Conditions change during the day so pay attention and move when you don't have the right conditions.
- Fluke will typically look for a comfortable water temp and therefore will stick to certain depths.... If you find a depth that your catching fish try that same depth in other areas as well.