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Old 07-13-2015, 09:43 AM
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Default Mako Mania report Jersey Nutz

We got our 2015 tournament season underway this past weekend fishing Mako Mania with the Corradino charter. After being out Saturday trolling for bluefin on the local shark grounds we knew we were going to have to make a decent run to try and find some cooler water. We left the dock at 5:30, cleared the inlet at 5:45, and pointed the bow of the boat towards long island. We made a good two hour run and found 72 degree water with a good amount of bait. We set the spread and didn't have a touch until 2 hours in when a 2 foot mako came through the spread biting everything including the balloons. Got rid of him and then a big brown came up for a look before he darted off. We then hook into a nice fish on the long bait that we thought could have been the right one! Fought him for about 10 minutes then broke him off at the boat when he got wrapped in the mono, never got a good look but was a decent fish. Another hour goes by and while i was setting out a fresh line a 50" mako rips it out of my hand. Quickly released him and then we had another 50" Mako shortly after. Stayed on the same slick all day with steady action. Fish were very lazy eaters which made hooking them tough. Ended the day with 4 makos released and 2 more seen that we did not bother trying to hook. We again had a great crew and worked hard but just was not our day! Great thanks to the guys on board!

Jersey Nutz Sport Fishing
45' Custom Carolina, 53' Custom Carolina & 57' Ocean Yacht
Capt. RJ * Capt. Cody *Capt. Taco
(609) 354-2734
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