Originally Posted by dales529
Other tidbits:
NRA spends approx 3 to 3.5 million in lobbying wheras the RFA spends between 70 to 250 thousand lobbying depending on issue and year so its more like RFA has between 2% to 7% of NRA spending not less than 1% but still a significant number. RFA has the lobby capability just NOT the support of its fishing community like NRA has from gun community. Just wish fishermen would realize that and give us a fight we could win
NRA has more resources than just lobbying money. Their 501C spends more than $25 million per election cycle supporting 60-80 candidates. They spend $1 million a year in direct campaign contributions. The individual members spend several million per year in campaign contributions. They have a TV show and a magazine. Practically everyone knows them and very few people outside fishing have heard of the RFA. So very conservatively they are spending $19 million per year to push their agenda.