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Old 05-14-2015, 06:04 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Blueline Regs Worst Than First Thought

Originally Posted by tautog View Post
The RFA does not have 1% of the resources of the NRA. You have to pay to play.
Kirk, you are an avid angler and I know from reading your posts you respect the sport. I also get your intention. Having said that the NRA has ONE and ONLY one Agenda. Anything that has the word Gun in it gets support whereas with Fishing regulation, some are on board with fighting (donation wise) ONLY Stripers while others favor ONLY Fluke while others favor ONLY Seabass
or some favor 2 out of the 3 While still others believe because the RFA is NOT NRA that nothing can be done so they do NOTHING at all. Then factor in that there are other fishing rights groups that some support rather than support ALL fishing groups which creates more separation and less "pay to play" so comparing NRA to RFA is not really a true comparison. Anyway you get my point. There really is NO reason given the amount of fisherman nation wide that the RFA couldn't compete lobbywise with the NRA except for the fishermen themselves while constantly informed stay on the sidelines

Other tidbits:

NRA spends approx 3 to 3.5 million in lobbying wheras the RFA spends between 70 to 250 thousand lobbying depending on issue and year so its more like RFA has between 2% to 7% of NRA spending not less than 1% but still a significant number. RFA has the lobby capability just NOT the support of its fishing community like NRA has from gun community. Just wish fishermen would realize that and give us a fight we could win
RFA-NJ Member
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