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Old 02-02-2015, 09:38 AM
Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 404
Thumbs up FinTazTic. Dates available starting March. FinTazTic

Hope everyone is having a good winter with good health. We will start sailing near the end of March.

The fares are for a full charter $700 for up to six people and Open Boat will be $125 per person,again all tackle and bait are included we also supply soft drinks,coffee and donuts. We supply your 1st jig or Buck Tail . We do not supply Gulp.

New this year for our corporate customers or charters we can supply you and your guests wit a dock side BBQ from Burgers and Hot Dogs to Filet of Beef To Clam Bakes.
Prices start at $15 per person .

Our 1st year was great thank you to all that supported us. We fish because we love it and love to see people that enjoy the same things. We will travel anywhere stay a little longer to give you the best opportunity to catch fish.

There are some changes in the the galley to give you more room to get comfortable and stay warm. We also have a bathroom is always spotless

Hope March comes soon and can't wait to see and fish with you. Stay Heath and happy see you soon

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