I can backup up Capt. JJ's report ,
It had to happen one day but its great to see Capt. Jelly grow up right before our eyes and watch the budding romance and the smile -

on his face once his coffee and lunch arrived . Welcome to the club Jelly - we all love you and just remember we new you before the beautiful romance that we call "Bliss"
But I regress - trip was a blast had a great time with great cast ( thank you joe for the invite ) and crew - Nate and John worked there tails off and you never had to ask for anything ( except helping me pull out of the rocks and not losing my rigs again )
I had a limit plus ( started out en fuego but I fizzled at the end ) -

and it was a pick and wiggle kind of day for us but went home with big bags of meat
Cant wait to do it again in a couple of weeks with the Monger Boyz and the "Bliss"
Happy Holidays - Be Well - Be Safe and Fish - On