We are once again running a FREE Veteran's Day trip for any military personnel as a thank you to these great Americans that give so much for our freedom. We actually already filled up the boat for Tuesday but since I had so many worthy folks looking for a ride we decided to run one Wednesday as well and still have two spots available.
These trips are on our 48 Viking run out of Clark's Landing in Pt. Pleasant and will leave the dock at 5:30am on Wednesday returning around 3pm.
If you or anyone you know is either active or retired military and would love to join us Wednesday we'd love to have you.
Please email me back at
adam@canyonrunner.com if interested.
2015 Canyon Runner Seminar Series - Pre-Announcement
January 24, 2015 - Atlantic City, NJ
February 28, 2015 - Long Island, NY
Save the Dates - Tickets on Sale Soon