FIN TAS TIC--Striper Open Boat 10/19-10/25
We had a cancelation for 10/25 . If yopu are look to book a trip call Capt.Pete
We are fishing for Striped Bass everyday,afternoon and evening.
On and after the 18th of October we will also fish for Seabass,Ling and Blackfish on Full Charters
10/19 Morning booked-----10/19------evening open
10/20 Morning booked-----10/20------evening open
10/21 Morning booked-----10/21------evening open
10/22. Morning booked-----10/22------evening open
10/23 Morning booked-----10/23------evening open
10/24 Morning booked-----10/24------afternoon booked -----
10/25 Morning booked-----10/25------afternoon open-----
Monday thru Friday
Mornings are from 6am until 2pm. No afternoon. Evenings are from 5pm until 11pm
Sat thru Sun
Mornings are from 6am until 2pm. Afternoon 2pm until 10pm
The largest Striped Bass caught in the Fin Taz Tic receives a free charter for6 people with dock side BBQ value $1200.
Any Striped Bass caught on the Fin Taz Tic over 52lb receive $1000.
Thank You