Re: Salmon River braid question?
Hey dave b. Someone decided to respond to a post made on a fishing forum who woulda expected that...... I got news for you if a salmon runs by you with 8, 10, 12 pound mono. Its gonna cut your boots also. My point is its LEGAL so if your soo afraid of property damage or possible bodily harm you should stay home, to expect everyone else to comply by your personal preference because of your OPPINION on what's the correct way to fish is absurd. Now when and if it becomes law you would have a valid reason to complain. As soon as someone sends you down stream you would probably be the type to wanna call the cops and have that person arrested and cry foul lol, you were probably the kid growing up that would take your ball and run home if things weren't going your way lolol.........the above goes for you to dakota, I don't even fish the sr till the leaves fall off lololol cause your to good to fish with us laymen lol. For the record I have been going to the salmon river for 16 years str8, I use 8 pound mono and am gonna try 6 pound this year. If your looking for a quiet weekend with a peacefull atmosphere this is not the trip for you. Its crowded, all walks of life are there, and all different types of tackle are used, and it takes some physical activity. People are gonna cross your line. But if you go after the leaves fall you can fish with the dakota and all the other elites lolol