Mimi tuna
Fished the Mimi Monday Into Tuesday , ran to somewhere in the Hudson. Started by pot hopping and put 28 mahi in the boAt. Then we trolled to 8pm with no love. On the chunk was a slow start, around 10 pm first yellow hit the deck caught on the chunk. 30 min later had a little flurry and I lost a fish due to failed knot! Ugh. Then around 11 a few more bites , so not to tangle any one I did some jigging and hooked a beast on a gold jig. 1 hour later and lots of pain a 180lb bigeye my first hit the deck.( caught on 60lb jig outfit) 3 other bigeyes also came about same time A lull for an hour or so and a few more yellow bites so I jigged again. And bam another big badass bigeye , fought for 45 painful minutes only to loose him 20 feet from the gaff! Added 2 more assist hooks to jig and dropped down and game on again for another 50 minute battle , lots of pain and loose him 10 ft from gaff . Ugh again . Stayed at rail to 4am with no love on the chunk. Slept a little then back at it at 6am no love till 8. Trolled 1 longfin and was time to head for the barn! Totals was 4 bigeye to 180 1 longfim and 7 yellows. 20 plus fish lost do to operator error or equipment failure . Mimi crew was great !
Last edited by BCinerie; 09-18-2014 at 07:35 AM..
Reason: Error