jenny lee 8/26/14
Thursday, August 28. 2014
paul baldasano 8/26/14 big yellowfins
capts kevin gerrity and dave bender took paul baldasano, john altamare, don walker,joe bonnano,and bill mercuiro on their annual canyon trip. we stopped inshore and caught one yellowfin, but it didn't look promising so we pushed offshore only to find a city of boats fishing the manasquan tuna tournament. the weed was so thick you needed a lawnmower so we had no choice but to join the crowd. we trolled a nice long fin and that was it. we set up on the chunk and put three 60 plus pound yellowfins in the boat, the guys did a great job going three for three as these fish were nasty. back on the troll wednesday we had only a single bite, we had the man in the blue suit come for a short visit. we hooked a 500 pound blue marlin who jumped five times and was awesome, unfortunately he chafed off the leader and swam away. the guys had a blast and went home with a lot of tuna steaks.
Posted by jenny_lee at 06:54 | Edit entry