Originally Posted by lunkertaker
Great pics...close, but not too close
Yeah them yellow jackets got me last week. Dropped my clippers in my compost pile and then was swarmed trying to get them out. Was stung at least 12 times on the legs, arms, torso, and head...ouch.
If you can find the hole to their underground nest, the below, works great!
Drop the hose of a shop vac or an old canister-type vacuum cleaner next to the hole in the middle of the night when the guards will either be deep inside or slow to react. (The cooler the air temperature, the more wiggle room you’ll have.) Then turn the machine on the next morning; these aggressive wasps will attack the hose and get sucked inside. Let the machine run all day—remember, you might need to suck up thousands of them before you empty out the nest. Then plug the vacuum hose with duct tape BEFORE you turn the machine off. Then let the machine sit in the sun for a few days before you open it to dispose of the used-to-be-wasps.