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Old 06-30-2014, 10:25 AM
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Default Jersey Nutz Weekend Report - Hudson Canyon

Had a good trip this weekend running to the Hudson for the first time this season. Had a good crew that we took out and a big thanks goes to them for sticking with us as we grinded out a good overnight trip. Left the dock around 1 p.m. Saturday and headed towards the Hudson with intentions to find that nice temp break. got the spread in around 4 and had a little skippy to break the ice a few minutes after. Afternoon was slow but managed to get a nice 20# mahi and a 30# yellowfin before dark. Worked back out to the cooler water to drift in overnight and set up for swords and mako. Around midnight our sword rod goes off and we hooked into a nice fish. Fought it for about and hour before we broke it off and that was hit for the night besides one mystery run off. Up on the troll at first light and worked by ourselves to get blown up on by some very aggressive and excited 60lb yellowfin around 6. These fish were missing the baits by a foot or two and coming airborn out of the water but we managed to hook into two and boat them. 20 minutes later we hooked into two more and then the bite shut off and that was it. Stopped for an hour and picked up 10 tiles then headed for the barn around 11. Great first trip.
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Jersey Nutz Sport Fishing
45' Custom Carolina, 53' Custom Carolina & 57' Ocean Yacht
Capt. RJ * Capt. Cody *Capt. Taco
(609) 354-2734
Snapchat! fishjerseynutz

Inshore/Offshore Charters - Open Boats
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