The things you do as a parent...
So, early last week, I posted about my six-year old catching his first trout. That was one happy, memorable moment...
Unfortunately, I made a parental blunder shortly thereafter. After my son caught the brownie, since his mom had him for dinner the next two nights, I cleaned his fish and gave it away. I had no idea he'd even care.
Well, a day later, he asked when we were going to eat it. When I told him I hadn't wanted it to go bad so I gave it away, he welled up with tears. Man, I felt like a first class heel... So, I made him the promise that I would go out and catch another trout so we could have a trout dinner this weekend one way or another.
Now, I have a thing about promises I make to my little man. I keep them. Come hell or high water, I keep 'em.
So, Friday night (on my one night without him) I hauled my ass out to the boonies in the cold, driving rain to take my one shot... and BAM! Not just a trout but my first ever rainbow!
Ordinarily, I'd just take a pic of the fish but I needed the evidence to show him that I actually braved the elements and not just the line at the supermarket.
I was soaked and a hella cold but I kept my word and that's all that mattered. Had a trout dinner on Sat night. Great end to a great fishing week...