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Old 05-06-2014, 04:36 AM
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Dino Dino is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default 2014 Bluefin Regs The over/under is back

..and Charter boats get to take three this summer

For rec's (with an HMS permit): 1 27" to <47" per day
1 47" to <73" per day
(1 73"+ per year)

For HMS charter boats : 2 27" to <47" per day
1 47" to <73" per day
(1 73"+ per year)

2014 Recreational Atlantic Tunas Retention Limits
Effective May 8, the bluefin tuna (BFT) daily retention limits are increased from the default of 1 BFT measuring 27-<73" to the following. For HMS Angling-permitted vessels: 1 school BFT (27 to <47") + 1 large school/small medium BFT (47-<73"). For HMS Charter/Headboat-permitted vessels: 2 school BFT (27 to <47") + 1 large school/small medium BFT (47-<73"). These limits are effective for all areas except the Gulf of Mexico. The recreational BFT trophy fishery (73"+) is closed for the southern area (for landings south 39°18’N, i.e., south of Great Egg Inlet, NJ), but is open for the northern area (for landings north of Great Egg Inlet, NJ) with a limit of 1 BFT measuring 73" or greater/vessel/year. For further information, see notice in library (at left). The recreational yellowfin tuna retention limit is 3/person/day or trip. The minimum size for yellowfin and bigeye tuna is 27" curved fork length. There are no recreational limits for bigeye, skipjack or albacore tunas.

Last edited by Dino; 05-22-2014 at 02:55 PM..
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