Raritan river 4/28/14:
Worked with the crew from Rutgers on Monday and was pleasantly surprised. Before they got there I fished a little and got one small brown trout. Sat and looked at the river and thought it to be lifeless. Our sampling began and it was amazing to see very large smallmouth and largemouth during our sampling along with river herring and what looked like s state record gizzard shad. We also had boo-koo amounts of brown trout that looked great and are starting to turn silver in color. We also had a catfish, sunfish and my first time to handle a quillback, very cool fish.
Tuesday went over to Peters Brook access point in Somerville to do a little fishing and got a rainbow and a smallmouth there. A big thanks to Gatto from the site pointing out the work that needed to be done there and we got in there and cleaned it up the best would could. It looks much better now and we will be doing more work in there, a very nice fishing spot on the Raritan river.