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Thread: Fish ID
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Old 04-17-2014, 09:25 PM
jimcnj jimcnj is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 163
Default Re: Fish ID

I found a post on another board on the same subject.

Default Re: variations in largemouth colors
Have caught the bass and examined them or just looking at the bass in the water?
Largemouth bass have a basic coloration that can vary greatly depending on several factors.
Coloration changes due to the water clarity, chemistry and depth of sunlight where the bass are acclimated to. Normally all largemouth bass will have dark coloration along the lateral line that can appear to a stripe when the bass is alive and healthy. Due to stress the coloration can change; dark blotches above the lateral line indicates the bass is stressed for example. When the bass dies it looses color.
The more acidic the water chemistry is the darker the overall color, the more alkaline the lighter overall color. The more weeds, higher acidic conditions, the bass tends to be darker green to closely match it's environment. The rocky, sparse weeds of a higher alkaline water, the less coloration and lighter green background the bass will have. Lighter coloration also occurs if the bass is living below the depth of light during cold water periods.
Lots of reason for color variations to consider.
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