Originally Posted by NorthJerzyG
Funny thing is, before smoking in public is completely outlawed, "this" will probobly be legalized.  Just can't see greedy politicians passing up on that much tax money.
Ps Just picked up a sweet Zippo for the smallie contest..............
Its all about revenue guys....Banning cigg smoking in public parks is nother way for the man to hand out tickets....1st offense of 250 doll hairs because you choose to destroy YOUR lungs.....And legalizing the wacky tobaccy is an enormous source of tax revenue....Every tax goes UP UP UP, never down...So whats the next best way of creating more revenue?? Add laws that (help ppls health and/or the enviroment) while bringing in more money....The reasons for putting these new laws into affect is all an elaborate smoke screen...( no pun intended)
Wow , a zippo? cool....The lighter idea was an inexpensive way to keep ppl honest....But hey , to each his own....Gonna be interesting to see how creative ppl get with their lighters....Good luck to all, wit da smallies and the smoking ban