Originally Posted by acaravaglia
Don't feel to bad. I have never not got skunked there. I go there more for soul searching than fishing
Round Valley and Monksville are two lakes I cant crack. I put 20 some days in at RV the past 3 years and have been mostly skunked.I cant figure it out for bass at all. Two tiny smallmouth in the 20 or so times Ive fished there.Rock bass are all I ever get.
Ive also done poorly with trout, but i don't feel so bad about that because I have limited experience fishng on lakes for trout. I'm mostly a bass fisherman, or streams for trout.
Last year I thought I'd get equipment just for RV so i bought two trolling rods with lead core line and caught one trout in several trips. Tried jigging, drifting shiners and nothing.Wife bought me a downrigger for Chistmas so this year I have that in my quiver.
Maybe this will be the year I figure things out. One thing I know I need to do is concentrate on one species for a full day. Normally I'll fish for bass for a while then switch to trout and go back and forth all day. I gotta pick one and stick with it.