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NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey - View Single Post - Drama Has To Stop !!
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Old 03-12-2014, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: Drama Has To Stop !!

I want to apologize for my rant the other day.....Been stressing big time not being able to find work for the past 8 months, dealing w/ some personal issues as well, as well as some other things too.....I'll be fine in the end I know that dealing with all that stuff......my frustration with a few things that have been going on behind the scenes got the best of me, and I realized that AFTER I posted and felt bad rereading my posting......I apologize when I am wrong .....In recovery, they call it making amends..........I also reached out to a few this morning and some did the same contacting me to talk about things.....I hope we can all get past this nonsense and keep the focus of this site on fishing.....I've always enjoyed this site and met some really cool guys and fished with quite a few good fisherman as well....FISH ON(ALWAYS!!)

Last edited by iceehot6766; 03-12-2014 at 11:22 PM..