Originally Posted by Dave B.
I actually have a moment during lunch here to jump online so here goes. First my thanks to 'Uglystick' and 'Surfrod' for their posts clarifying the details on the Aquaflor. I thought I saw you there Rob, you left just after the Q & A with Jeff I believe? I was sitting in the back as usual, BS'ing with Lisa and Chris Smith.
And Rob you are correct there are no plans to change the strain of rainbows currently in use. Also I do believe you're correct in stating that a small percentage of the 'bows were briefly exposed but none ever tested positive. I'll double check that with Lisa though to be sure.
Iceehot6766, if you encounter any fish with such lesions whether trout or other species I would strongly recommend you contact the Lebanon lab as soon as possible. Taking photos at least would be very helpful but ideally they would prefer to have the whole fish if possible. The number for Lebanon is (908) 236-2118. Explain to whoever answers why you're calling and try to have species and location info at hand.
Time to get back to work!
Will do Dave and thanks again for your service and response...I just put that number in my phone.....I can only speak for myself, so I appreciate it.....