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Old 02-18-2014, 10:50 AM
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420*NightCrawler 420*NightCrawler is offline
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Default Re: Canada Walleye and pike help!

I've taken quite a few trips up to the St. Lawrence river and Black Lake just south of Ontario in June, and I have found it to be my favorite place and time of year to fish. Between the bass and pike alone there's plenty to be caught with little sitting in-between. My favorites to use as many others have echoed are large spinnerbaits, or the red-white daredevil spoons, and Senkos for bass. My favorite spinnerbait is the Vibrax Blue Fox silver spinnerbait with white bucktail on the treble hook. It's a very bright and flashy spinner under water, which any fish find irresistible. If there's a fish near it, it will hit it, especially a pike. I've caught fingerling pike on #4 spinners, they just can't not chase after and bite it.
“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” –Steven Wright
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