Great dish which can be done the day before or the day of a afternoon / eve
party. Simple which makes it a good dish for the Guys cooking.
Caution - can be contagious
Pulled Pork
1 Picnic ham shoulder about 7 - 10 lbs
1/2 Gallon of apple juice
2 cans of root beer
2 tbl spoons of Adobo Goyo seasoning
1 tbl spoons of Garlic powder
1 large Sweet Baby Rays barbecue sauce
1 tbl spoon of liquid smoke
1 Take ham and cut off large section of fat which has outside skin
2 mix apple juice Adobo and garlic powder and pour over trimmed ham and refrige for 6 - 8 hours
3 remove ham from mixture after time and place in crock pot
4 pour 1 and 1/2 cans of root beer in crock pot with ham
5 mix liquid smoke with 1/2 can of water and add to root beer mixture with ham
6 can season top of ham with additional garlic powder, salt, pepper and onion to your liking
7 cover pot and cook on low if you have an oval pot for 7 - 8 hours
8 when meat starts to fall apart remove about 1 coffee cup of liquid and save for later use
9 put all meat from crock pot into large bowl tossing the bones and knuckles
10 shred meat and return to crock pot after cleaning pot, add a little sweet baby Rays to your liking and some of the liquid saved from step 8 - this will keep it nice and moist when keeping on warm setting