I was looking back at some old family albums and came across pictures of my Dad, Uncle and Grandfather and me when I was 5 years old showing a heck of a catch of winter flounder. I am 51 years old so this would have been
around 46 years ago, early spring 1967 or 1968. My Grandfather passed years ago and more recently my uncle after a battle with brain cancer
may they both rest in peace. But the reminder of the times I spent with them as a kid fishing are priceless.
We would drive from NJ to a small marina in Mamaroneck, NY (can't remember the name).
We would rent one of those old very big heavy wooden rowboats. In the early years my Dad and uncle rowed, later on my uncle bought a
small hp Evinrude that they would lug and attach to the rental. We chummed with corn and I remember using droplines with spreaders
and catching so many fish (two or 3 at a time) that my dad could never keep his line in the water helping me pull fish off the hooks.
These were truly great times with unforgetable memories.
These were great days. I was only a naive kid but I felt the world was simple and the sky was the limit.
Quite a difference from the over regulated bearacracy that recreational fishing is burdened with today. And yes I understand that manging fish stocks appropriately is in all of our interests but crushing the recs out of existence is not.
Glad I got to experiece that great time, and glad I have had my kids fishing before it may all be a distant memory.