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Old 01-06-2014, 04:38 AM
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Default Re: Headgates dam Raritan river Duke Island Park:

Originally Posted by calbo View Post
Yes - the difference at Nevius Street is amazing - it's now virtually devoid of fish after 80+ years of great fishing - 55 of which I can attest to. The water above the "damn" is and always has been fine for bass, carp, catfish, suckers, sunnies and other slower, warmer water species - if you want others travel farther upstream or downstream.

Rather than wasting $'s removing the damns put the $'s into cleaning up the causes of pollution and stocking.

I enjoy fishing in all sorts of environs - rivers, lakes, ponds, and surf - local and in NJ, Block Island, Nantuckett, the Outer Banks. I also enjoy fishing for Salmon and Steelhead in New York - on damn controlled rivers that would not support the salmonid population without the damns that control the flow to the rivers - so don't respond that I don't know how or where to fish (Andy).

The damns provide holding areas for fish - predatory fish can trap bait-fish against the damn and they hold there looking for easy meals. The oxygenated water beneath the damns also helps support the game fish. Damns in the west and mid-west have converted dead rivers into fantastic tail-water fisheries.

And, as I've stated before in several posts - I have seen and caught stripers and shad above the Nevius Street spillway (damn) - they can and did easily navigate above the small structure.

I'm getting tired of listening to the arm-chair ichthyologist claiming removing these structures is going to improve the Raritan.
Really!!!!!Dams hold the river back and load up silt and pollutants above them, I've never seen the river cleaner and healthier since the 3 dams were removed.The good fishing you speak of is because fish are trapped in these areas which makes your average fisherman become a star,instead of trying and learn a river and the secrets they hold.
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