Tired to make a late year run to the Hudson on the venture. planned a departure time of 1 am on sat night and in the slip there was no wind at just like they called for. upon hitting the inlet we notice a slight swell it wasn't until we hit the bell buoy that we realized it was not light and Variable. we made it 22 miles off shore before we pulled the plug. this was the first time in my life I quit and turned around on a trip but there was so much spray that even through my 9 sided enclosure it was like some one was hitting our bought with a pressure washer. its never fun coming out of the water in the dark especially when your only doing 20knots. its also a lot of fun when your within a half mile of a cruise ship and they light you up like a Christmas tree with there spot light. that is when I relized how big the seas were. it did make me feel a lot better when I called it quits so did the 52 and 61 Viking I was running with. cant win them all. heres a link to the video of the cruise ship lighting us up....lol