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Old 11-22-2013, 04:27 PM
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Jigman13 Jigman13 is offline
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Join Date: May 2010
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Default Re: umbrella rig setup?

We troll wire out East when jigging parachutes. When we need a break from jigging, we snap on some umbrellas--tube tails in either red, green, black, or white with the red tips. Our set ups consist of st croix trolling rods paired with shimano tld 25s. We spool with 40-50 lb mono backing, 150 lb spro barrel swivel, then 300 ft of wire, another 150 lb barrel swivel followed by a 20 ft of 40-50 lb mono (or fluoro is you'd like) leader, a 150 lb coastlock snap swivel, then the umbrella. Works well out there... Double and triple headers of big yellow-eyed demons also make for an adventure.

The upside to jigging the chutes is that you very rarely get bluefish and you're actually holding the rod when a striper blasts the jig.
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