Well, I can't complain about yesterday, we have had a lot less liked opening days. Picked our first spot planning that we would be all over the place and we were...ughhh , but still had a constant bite thru the swingage. Soon as we settled in at 150• on the anchor , reset to game on toggin, nothing super, but not many shorts, most were keeps like 6-1. Had that bite I was waiting for, set the hook and wham! This is where I like the action of the E-glass fish poison. Unfortunately it only lasted at most 5 seconds. My first shave off this year

Wound up w boat limit: @ SHR btw, but it was a continual work in progress. It was on then off for a bit and so on..
Hear is a question: what pound leader do you use? I'm at 50 mono and thinking of stepping up to 80 floro, had some other isssues in the past as well but don't like to go too heavy. Opinions are appreciated.