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Old 10-03-2013, 05:21 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Default YFT beatdown on Jenny Lee

First and foremost I can not say enough about Jenny Lee Sportfishing. Boat, Crew and operation incredible. Left dock Wed at O dark Thirty to a beautiful ocean and short comfortable ride to the grounds. Day troll was fun due to the fisherman and crew but pretty uneventful. 3 bites, One YFT pulled hook with leader up, one short bite missed the hook and one mysterious toothy critter that bit through the leader. Up on the chunk a tale of 2 cities which is what these trips can be. First chunk bite around 12:30 AM and then MAHEM for the next 5 hours. Left them biting as we had enough at 21 YFT to 60 /90 LBS.

About the Jenny L crew, at one point we had seven tuna on the deck, 3 hooked up and getting yelled at "who's chunking , get me another sardine and why is any rod idle

The excitement, passion/ love for Tuna fishing and hard work on this boat is insane.
Huge THANKS to Capt Kevin and Capt TY for that superb effort and Capt Dave Bender. Didn't think we could even come close to last years trip on this boat but they did it again and then some. Be back again soon.

Fishing with Joey Da fish, Shrimpman, Sven or Tim ( has to go back to witness protection tomorrow ) Todd and Paulie to funny to describe.
Just another trip on Jenny Lee we will be talking about forever

Bit exhausted so more pics tomorrow and I am sure the rest of the crew will follow up.
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