Smallmouth have the feedbag on
I took another trip out to the Susqy for some fall smallmouth. After the last trip I had very high expectations. The water level was only 3.2' compared to 4' on the last trip. This completely changed were the fish were holding and it turned into a prospecting trip. At this time of year the fish are schooled up and you need to find them. They usually school with fish of the same size, so of course I was looking for the big girls.
The day started off with me hitting my last trip hot spots and coming up with only a few fish. This was the pattern for the whole day and by 4pm I only had around 20 fish with the biggest being 19". The wind layed down around 4 and a hatch started. This turned the fish on and soon there were rising fish everywhere. I started to catch fish on most casts and many were nice 16"-18" fish. These were not the fish I was looking for, however and I went hunting. At 6:30 I finally found them. A 20 1/2" fish that weighed over 5 lbs destroyed my top water. The next 3 cast had 18" fish hitting as soon as the lure hit the water. I fished until I could not see anymore and had many more fish between 17" and 19". I had finally found the mother lode and put the icing on a great day.
Eric Jensen