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Old 09-05-2013, 07:56 AM
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Default Re: Raritan River Walleye 9/3

Originally Posted by FASTEDDIE29
Hit the river from 630-930 this am hoping some fish were holding in the high water. Casted the X-rap for a while and hooked a nice Walleye probably close to 5lbs, healthy fish, not too fat, not too skinny. He was somewhere around 23-24 inches. Kept casting and hooked up again with Striper around 12 inches, feisty little guy! Kept casting and casting and hooked another Walleye around 9 am, this fish was bigger than the first. Absolutely crushed the X-rap! Im walking the fish down the wall to the rocks where it would be easy to land, ahhhhh this fish is barely hooked and pops off as soon as I get a hand on him. DAMN, the fish was close to 7 lbs and probably 26 inches or so. Oh well, quick release is a good thing but I really wanted a picture of this fish. At least I got to touch this beautiful RARITAN RIVER WALLEYE!!! TIGHT LINEZ!!!!

Compliments, those are beautiful fish! I hit that spot a few weeks ago with my 13 year old son who wants to catch more variety of fish besides LMB and trout, looking at the pic it's no wonder why we didn't catch anything and each donated a lure to the river, it was too low when we went. Looking forward to finding some other honey holes on the mighty Raritan
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