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Old 09-04-2013, 08:53 PM
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Default Sept 4th RELENTLESS CHARTERS Cod Report

Today fishing on board RELENTLESS was the Ryan Gross party and family members visiting from out of state. Joining Ryan were his uncles Mike and Al, father Terry, brother Nate and cousin Jacob. After meeting early in the AM, stowing gear and conducting the morning safety brief Capt Dave and Jim as mate got off the dock. After cruising by the lobster boats on moorings and out the narrows we headed east. On the way out the seas built larger than the 2-4′ forecast turned into a steady 4′ sea and 15-20 knot breeze. Unfortunately Uncle Al from Colorado felt under the weather along with Nate. Once we stopped at the cod grounds the drift was fast and it was tough to hold bottom with the wind against the tide. With a little work and motor fishing market cod started hitting jigs with rods bending and the words of have another one on was heard in the cockpit.

Drifting and moving back over the piles of fish made the day with many nice fish going into the box.

During the afternoon the tide change and wind decreasing made the ride home very nice while Jim filleted the days catch. By the end of the day the guys had near legal limits of fresh cod to take back home. We still have openings for shared charters and good dates also for some private trips. If interested, please contact RELENTLESS CHARTERS at captdave@relentlesscharters.com
Captain Dave
Boston Harbor and Beyond Sport Fishing
(617) 462-7885
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