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Old 08-29-2013, 09:33 AM
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Default Re: How is access at Musconetcong Gorge?

Originally Posted by cmoran719
Just so you know, they completely fenced off that sandy point a few weeks ago and put up like 10 no trespassing signs. I was heart broken as that's a favorite spot of mine. However, someone already ripped down one of the fences last week so I don't know, maybe it's ok to go thru now (like how there used to be that little hole in the fence). Either way, the gate will open in the fall so I guess it's not the worst thing in the world
They are just trying to cut down on the number of people that will park in the Ramp lot and walk into the park from there for free. That's a long walk for a day at the park in my opinion...besides the illegal factor. Hate when people feel they don't have to pay their share for having parks and outdoor places like that. I do wish they would move the fence back to allow fisherman more access to those corner areas. That whole section is supposed to be fishing only so whats a few more feet for us.
Aint no sense in bein' stupid......unless ya show it!
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