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Old 08-18-2013, 04:18 PM
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jimmythegreek jimmythegreek is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Suckers for bait

rockaway river is loaded w them, u can get them right off blackwell street.....not kidding

* I edited didnt see ice fishing........U dont need suckers for musky, thats a staple for north/central guys IMO. Around here most bodies DONT have them naturally, musky eat anything from herring to small stripers, and everything in between. Its whatever is in front of them that turns them on and is distressed or an easy meal. Perch are a local favorite, so are trout. U can EASILY get jumbo shiners or sunnies from anywhere, they work great and so does any perch or fish in the 6-10 inch range. Hopefully u are an experienced ice fisherman cause they are a beast thru a hole and must be handled properly as far as hooking goes AND gearwise

For open water..........If your gonna live bait them do the right thing and use quick strike rigs, they arent expensive and they hook fish VERY WELL, and save the fishes life. Use a heavy enuff rod and conventional reel w a clicker, and give the fish a few seconds of run time and set in the opposite direction, u will hook them everytime. If your fishing shallow water u can use a balloon too, otherwise hang him off the back and work ur weededges/structure like normal and listen for the clicker running. by the time u grab the rod set and u got him........

Last edited by jimmythegreek; 08-18-2013 at 04:24 PM..
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