Originally Posted by gsx99
i have been out the past 2 DAYS FLUKING IVE BEEN FOLLOWING ADVISE FROM WHAT I CAN GATHER FROM THIS SIGHT . i have purchase numerous spros in ever color from 1/2 ounce to 6 ounce and ton of rigs with beeds and skirts. used a buffet of bait from squid to spearing to kellies to gulb and the only thing i got was 2 shorts and 1 sea robin. pretty sure im always draggin bottom and according to my gps always a drift from 1 to 2 mph have a garmin chart plotter sounder 540s any help on tips of what im doing wrong would be appreciated just looking to creat more hook ups to make the day more exciting love the sport just need to learn the right technechs. any help wood be MUCH APRECIATED mario
Sounds like you have all right stuff, if you are dragging bottom, try bouncing more.
Take a trip on an open boat or go on a PB talk to the guys Buck Tailing and watch how much they work the jig. You will pick it up in no time good luck.