Well Molly strikes again!!! Her new Personal Best Fluke.. 6.1# !!!! Lets just say she was smiling from ear to ear and shaking from the enjoyment of putting a doormat in the cooler!!!! She just keeps on amazing me!! She fought the beast like a pro!! Didnt even panic reel! Just worked the fish up from the depths and into the net!!
Very proud of my lil sister! Jeff Sr started his day out with catching a fat 19in within 20 seconds of our very first drop! Everyone wasnt even in the water yet and i hear the drag screaming!! The guys picked through around 30 shorts to get the healthy fat keepers!! Everyone worked hard and were rewarded with some real quality fish! Zach put on a show today putting two 5# in the cooler!! Jason worked hard and it showed as he had high hook!
Molly is now looking for a 10# fluke, she told me today when she was leaving!! For some reason i dont think she will have an issue with that at all!!
Overall it was a beautiful day on the water! Great day fishing with a great group of anglers!!
Capt Joe and I had a great time and hope to see everyone back soon!!