Went out yesterday on Flying Fish Fleet, as I really could only go today and Capt. Joe was booked. Did their half day trip, 3/4 day and full day both didn't have enough to go. Nice boat and Crew, Capt. was a NJ transplant and we shot the shyte for a little while about fishing in the garden state. Boat had about 50 people, seemed to attract a lot of vacationers out for a day on the water. They include pole rental. Capt took the long ride to the grounds, hour and a half. When we got there, we had nice action on a wide variety of SMALL snappers and perch in about 45 feet of water. Pops and I combined for 26 fish between the two of us for an hour and a half of fishing. Never really had a lull in the action. If I had to guess, maybe 150 fish for the large crowd? Mate said it was a slower day. Still had plenty of fish to give to my great-aunt.
Boat had a $5 "Jackpot" that pops and I won with a 1 1/4 lb grey snapper. Mates keep a third of it down there. Still left us with 60 bucks, not half bad. When mate collected at the beginning of the trip, it seemed like most people didn't get in. They also give you a $25 off coupon for a future trip if you win. I'm looking forward to getting to use it. Overall, had a bunch of fun and would definitely recommend these guys for a nice day on the water. Next time, I will try to see if I can get out with Capt Joe in addition to a day with these guys. Thanks to all for their help with fishing down there.
I will post pictures when pops emails me them. They give you the pool in 1's and 5's to make for a nice shot on the dock
