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Old 06-28-2013, 04:44 PM
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Reel Class Reel Class is offline
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Location: Ortley Beach, NJ
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Thumbs up Reel Class Friday 6/28 Flukin'

Originally had a marathon trip planned today but with the crappy forecast I gave the guys the option to reschedule or fish the river/bay, so they decided to do the latter.

Left the slip and made the uncharacteristic left hand turn out of clark's and went through the canal to fish Barnegat Bay for the end of the outgoing. Had a good bite at first with mostly keeper sized fluke, and we had a couple of real good flurries, but that dried up once we lost the current. We had 7 in the box by 9 along with a handful of shorts, so we then made the run to the river to get the current again and picked and plucked everywhere.

The closer we got to the inlet the colder the water got, so we stayed in the back and picked away at more shorts and some more keepers.

Fred got his limit of 5, Ryan had 3, Bob had 1 and Kenny and I put a few in the box. Overall, for fishing INSIDE, we had a very good day. Out of around 25 fluke we boated, 12 made it to the box to 21" - most of those fish were in the 18-20" range and only two fell in that 17.5"-18" category. No other by-catch, just some nice scrappy fluke! Real nice day, and it was good using the trout rods to catch fluke!
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