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Old 05-27-2013, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: Capt. Bob and the Gambler to host wounded Vets on June 5th!

Originally Posted by JonDevin
I wanted to take a second to recognize Capt. Bob and the crew of the Gambler for their very generous offering. Capt. Bob saw the Heroes on the Water - New Jersey Chapter booth at the Saltwater Expo and expressed that he felt that we just never do enough for our wounded warriors. I couldn't agree with him more.

He wanted to do something for them. So he, on his dime, is taking a group of about 10 of them, from the Lyons VA Hospital, out for a relaxing afternoon of fluke fishing on his regular trip on June 5 from 2PM to 6:30PM (rain Date June 7th). These vets benefit greatly from activities such as these. You can see it on their faces when they transform to smiles through the day at one of these types of outings.

I, and a few of the NJFishing.com members, will be there being personal mates for these heroes. This is not a private charter. There will be regular fares on board. So, why don't you come out and share the day with us? I would love to see the boat get railed to thank Capt. Bob his generosity.


As long as I can get the day off I will be joining you. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Heroes On the Water (HOW) volunteer
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