Re: Fish Tank 4/14 - Mixed Bag Fishing
Gerry - Thanks for your help directing me to the FAQ section of the site so I could post the pics from our trip yesterday. Of course that was probably the last place I would've looked lol
I recevied an email from Gene this morning and thought I would share it.
Just wanted to thank you and Captain Tom again for the fishing trip. We had a fish fry or fish grill , I guess. The fish fed sixteen people (half kids), gave some to the neighbors and put some in the freezer. More importantly it gave my grandkids a memory they will not forget. By the way the Black Fish easily won the taste test, so much so they made me cook them all. Capt Tom is now known among my Grandkids as a true Jedi Mind Melder (or something like that) or Yoda.
Eugene E. Klein
Fish Tank Charters - Belmar NJ
Captain Ed McEwan (732) 239 7013