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Old 04-14-2013, 05:36 PM
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AndyS AndyS is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
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Thumbs up Raritan river 4-14-13 :

Making some head way as I was able to re fill all my spools today. Wilson got to Duke Island Park before I did. As he pulled up he saw one guy leaving with about a 3lb. Brook Trout.
Wilson found love right away before I got there with a solid 4lb. trout below the shale flats.
I got there and we hit the area pretty good and he got one small stockie. I thought I saw a big Brook Trout jump, one of those big hold overs. I'm pretty sure it was because the belly had that strange pinkish/orange to it. They get that color after they hold over in there for a while, I have caught a few and noticed that beautiful color.
Up to the falls, fished there and below the falls, only saw one trout on a stringer. Cormorants were flying overhead like Spitfires on the way to Germany, one after another.
Called it quits when my one boot on my waders filled up with water but I think I know where the hole is and Wilson gave me a tube of Aquaseal.
Slow start for me on the freshwater, can't say bad 2013 since I had some great offshore sea bass trips in January.
Hope it breaks open for me next week since I have a float trip booked on the upper Big D in New York next week. Hope to spend one day on the awesome Beaverkill also, all C&R when I'm up there.
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