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Old 04-11-2013, 08:44 AM
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wink_man wink_man is offline
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Default Re: Proud of NJF today.... RIP LAB

I'm still having a hard time with this. It's like I had a bad dream last night but it didn't go away this morning.

Being pretty much a loner, there are not to many people that 'float my boat' so to speak, but Michael was definitely one of the few.

Michael and I had many wonderful conversations, about people, fishing, and life in general, on the internet, cell phone, and most importantly in personal conversations around town.

While many saw him as a ballbuster(which he definitely was), I saw the side of him that was intellectual with intelligence, blended with the correct degree of common sense in everything he said and did. He was also very perceptive at reading people.

I will never forget him, or our conversations and was looking for more of it this spring. It was very hard not to love the guy in my opinion.

And while Michael saw himself as a small guy, and often joked about it, he may not have realized it but he was a giant of a man.

Again, my condolences and deepest sympathies to his family and to everyone who knew and loved him.
The collective IQ of a small group of individuals here is WAY low.

'It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't.' - Ronald Reagan

Last edited by wink_man; 04-11-2013 at 09:52 AM..
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