Musky - Lots of Brook Trout
Fished around the Bloomsbury area and it was on fire. One fish after the other on large butterworms shipped to me by I caught fourteen brookies in a row at one point. Mention this web-site and he will throw some free ones in. He moniters this web-site regularly. He hand picks the bigger butterworms for members. My picture is being used as fishing bait advertisement. I store them in wheat germ in my refrigerators butter holder section which is on the door. They last for months. Don't dry up or harden like mealworms. Trout, panfish, crappies, and perch love them. Elliot just got 20,000 in today directly from Chile.
Be back on the Musky all day Wednesday.
Last edited by Cuz; 04-10-2013 at 11:55 AM..