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Old 03-29-2013, 06:53 PM
Ocean Explorer Ocean Explorer is offline
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Default Exploring the Ocean Today

3-29-13 Finally made it back out today into some really pretty ocean conditions..Flat calm and much warmer,,,We fished the deeper stuff and caught some fish..Nothing great,,,some spots had some life,,and some did not..The best action today seemed to happen in the middle of the boat for what even reason..High hook had 10 ling and a keeper Codfish,,,,Someone else had two keeper Cods,,A few other had a Keeper Cod and a few ling as well..But again it was limited to mostly the middle on either side,,,A few in the back here and there..If it were a small crowd today I would say we put together a nice catch for this time of year but it was actually not enough fish for everyone onboard...some had some nice fish,,and some got the skunk...Really nice day out though,,tomorrow looks even nicer..Check out some pics,,,actually had to use phone camera today,,,pics on websites fishing report page..
OceanExplorer www.oceanexplorerbelmar.com
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