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Tigers through the ice
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02-26-2013, 08:27 AM
saxmatt Ambassador
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 548
Tigers through the ice
I've been putting in a lot of time on the ice the past few weeks fishing for muskie and for the most part it's been slow but I had a few good days. Last Saturday I had 3 in one day including a 37" tiger on a big live golden, and this Saturday I sat in the rain all day and got a 34" tiger right at sunset on a 15" dead fallfish. I missed more fish than I caught in the past week. I had a 14" sucker get ripped off the hook, had 100 yards of line peeled off before dropping the bait on another flag...wish I saw those fish! The ice is going fast and after the next few days it will be shot at most spots. Luckily the places I like to fish north of Jersey got 30+ inches of snow in the last storm and have 18-20" of ice now. The ice up there should be good through late march.
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