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Old 01-07-2013, 06:56 PM
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AndyS AndyS is offline
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Lightbulb Re: Fly fishing...old dog new tricks ?

I worked at a sporting goods store in Bound Brook for many years and we sold alot of the pre packaged fly fishing kits. Came with a rod, reel, line, leader etc. and never had anyone come back to tell me it was junk.
I think around a 6wt. or 7wt. if I remember correctly. The most fun you can have is with poppers in the summer. Easy to cast and control and watching the fish explode on them is a blast. Any small stream or rivers like the North Branch and South Branch after the water warms up holds alot of panfish and smallmouth that are eager to take a popper. Practice in the back yard or at a park before you hit the water, it's not hard if you remember you are casting the line and not the fly. Find areas with slow moving pools with lots of room for starters. Work your way up to nymphs and flies but it can get expensive after losing a few, I think that is why alot of guys tie their own. I'm sure there are videos on you tube that will help, don't forget the easy roll cast aslo. Let us know how you do.
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