Originally Posted by jrock
Nice catch skunk, I've been getting walleye and crappie every time out this fall in greenwood lake awsome fishery. Me and my buddy got a dozen walleye last time out, hands down best walleye fishing in the state. Don't understand why people waste there time in monksville when the fishing is 1000 times better 5 min. Up the road, for walleye and musky that is. Keep it up the more you learn the lake the more walleye you will boat. There is certain spots that will hold walleye everytime you go out.
You're telling me man! I've spent a stupid amount of time on Monksville, day and night, and still can't put together a pattern with the 'eyes. For the amount of stocked fish it receives, there should be a lot more good reports coming out of there. I really don't get it...